We provide financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortion care in Chicago, in Illinois, and the Midwest.

Actively Stand Up

CACTA believes that we can help and contribute in many other ways in addition to financial help and we ask our beneficiaries to give us actions that we can all get involved with.



The Chicago Abortion Fund

In the first three months of 2022, over 80% of CAF’s grantees came from out-of-state. They regularly hear from over 500 people a month seeking support accessing care and they return 100% of our calls. They support people through relationships with over 55 clinics in 7 states across the midwest. CAF provides funding for appointments, wrap-around and practical supports like gas, lodging, childcare, and food. They support with clinic selection, insurance counseling, and other logistical considerations. They stay with our callers every step of the way.

CAF continues to see a majority of callers based outside of Illinois. They support people receiving care in Illinois from all 50 states and will support anyone who calls with funding, case management, or a connection with their local abortion fund. State borders, bans, and restrictions should not limit one’s access to care – and CAF strives to break down these barriers. In addition to their commitment to people receiving care in Illinois, they also do case management and practical support provision in partnership with sibling funds around the region.

Buy tickets to the special event or donate to the fund here.

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